Gold leaf window lettering for Mighty Lucky NYC

Gilding window lettering for Mighty Lucky NYC using 23k genuine gold leaf

Doug Aldrich is a graphic artist with a focus in sign painting and murals in Brooklyn and the greater NYC area. His work ranges in original interior/exterior murals, window lettering and designs, hand painted signs and gilding (gold leaf). From startup and independent storefront businesses to larger agency or corporate work, Doug Aldrich works both big and small. His take on design is typically done in house which can later be painted or fabricated attributed with an unmatched attention to detail and polished quality.

Clients include: Nike, Polo Ralph Lauren, Disney+, Fifa, Converse, Adidas, Patagonia, Revivn, Sweet Chick, Maker’s Mark, Six Point Brewery, Hendricks Gin, Club Monaco, Flight Club, Calexico, Noah, Fluent, OkayPlayer, Team Epiphany, and dozens of local NY-based businesses.

**All project inquiries can be submitted to